Parenting yourself

Parenting yourself

It has been said that children are our future. It is true, but it can also be reversed: we are their future. As parents, we have a dual responsibility to both raise and parent our children. The two tasks go hand in hand and should never be separated.

how many people don't realize the importance of parenting themselves?

You can't always rely on others to take care of you, and you should learn to balance your needs with those of others in a healthy way. The most important thing is that you give yourself the unconditional love you need without guilt or doubt.

What does it mean to parent yourself?

Parenting yourself is a way of life. It's learning about your emotions, thoughts, and actions — no matter good or bad. Being a caring person for those around you begins with being a compassionate person for yourself first. When you care enough to look at yourself as a child would, then you can learn and grow from your experiences. It's a way of accepting yourself wholeheartedly, instead of living with self-doubt, guilt, or shame.

One way to think of parenting yourself is as a metaphor. What would you say to your child or teen if you were giving them advice about how to be at their best? This is more than just self-esteem. You are talking about your whole well being which includes things like physical wellbeing, emotional resilience, mental health, relational health, and spiritual health.

A lot of the time parents don't know how to give this kind of guidance, especially when they feel like they are always "on." The good news is that parenting yourself is not so different from parenting others:

1- Balance your needs with those of others in a healthy way.

2 - Create boundaries that allow for mutual understanding and support.

 This can be helpful for parents who feel like they are being taken advantage of by their children or vice versa.

3 - Have realistic expectations, especially about yourself.

There is no one you can control but yourself! Learn to accept that there will always be aspects of life that you cannot control. This is not a bad thing.

You can have realistic expectations about yourself by being honest with yourself about your strengths and weaknesses. Focus on what you are good at, but realize you won't be great at everything! Also, know that it's okay to want certain things – just don't feel guilty if they don't happen.

4 - Know that your intentions mean a lot.

You don't have to be perfect at parenting yourself – just try your best! You may not be the model parent, but do you want to be? Who is? People in whom we trust, who are reliable, and who stay true to their values over time are models for good parenting (or mentoring).

5 - Don't forget you still need nurturing.

As much as it might feel like we've "arrived" after one big achievement or another, we are still on this journey of learning and growth. A mentor will naturally offer guidance and support (especially if they know what they're doing). But sometimes even mentors need some guidance, especially when it comes to information that is new and emerging. Remember that mentors are not perfect (they have their own struggles) so don't expect them to always give you the right answers every time!

6 - Be a good example for others.

If someone in your life thinks they can "take advantage" of you, they may need to be reminded that you are not a source of freebies because you have figured out how to parent yourself well. For example, if someone tries to talk you into something or complains about a personal situation, these can be opportunities for you to "model" good decision-making and giving support in ways that will empower others – rather than drain your resources.

7 - Pay it forward by helping others feel nurtured.

When you come across someone who is struggling, ask yourself: "Is there anything I can do to make this person's life better?" Maybe they need a listening ear, or maybe they just need that smile from a stranger. There are so many different ways to make a difference, and when you do, you'll feel great!

8 - Belief in yourself.

When things don't go so well, try not to let that be too discouraging either. Ask yourself: "How can I improve?" Think about what others might say to encourage themselves. Take the time to think about what it is that you want to achieve, and when you do, try to find ways of making that happen.

9 - Keep learning.

Don't get stuck trying to perfect a skill or craft, because there will always be something to learn! To help in your lifelong journey of growth, take some time out for yourself. This will help you listen to your intuition, and prevent you from feeling "out of touch."

Don't forget that it's important to identify a mentor who has the skills and competencies needed for guiding others. This is especially important if you are looking for someone with whom to work on some personal growth goals. It would be easy to feel like you can work with almost anyone on the planet, but when your goal is to be a better person in some way, you need someone who knows how to show others what it means to grow personally.

On Conclusion

As a parent, you may feel like your life is one big balancing act. You’re trying to raise happy, healthy children while also maintaining an active career and making time for friends and family. It can be overwhelming! But take heart: there are plenty of tools out there that can help you manage the chaos so it doesn't consume your entire existence. In this article, we've outlined some simple ways to "parent yourself"–to care for both body and mind in order to have more energy, focus on what matters most (your kids!), and enjoy being with those who matter most as well (friends!). We hope these tips will give you the boost you need when parenting starts feeling too much or just not enough!


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